
The 2007 IFC Stakeholder Engagement Good Practice Handbook

Beginning in 2005, CCCS assisted Sakhalin Energy Investment Company to turn around a contentious relationship with the local indigenous communities and to formulate an Indigenous Peoples Plan. This Plan evolved into a global model—the “Sakhalin Model”—of positive collaboration between the local Indigenous Peoples’ Organizations, the local regional government and the company. In this volume, CCCS’ work with the Sakhalin 2 project is provided as an example of good stakeholder engagement practice in a “case study” prepared by EBRD and CCCS.

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Междyнарoдная им. Витycа Беринга (The Vitus Bering Ethnic Diversity Award)

In March 2013, CCCS received the Vitus Bering Ethnic Diversity Award (approximate translation) from the Russian Association of Indigenous Peoples of the North, Siberia, and the Far East (RAIPON) [Ассоциация коренных, малочисленных народов Севера, Сибири и Дальнего Востока Российской Федерации (АКМНССиДВ)].

It was awarded for excellence in engagement with Indigenous Peoples in the context of the Sakhalin Energy Project.

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2015 Sakhalin Indigenous Minorities (SIM) Certificate of Appreciation

In 2015, CCCS received this “Certificate of Appreciation” for the work CCCS has done for the development of the Sakhalin-2 Project’s Sakhalin Indigenous Minorities Development Plan (SIMDP). The Certificate was awarded at the FPIC Conference of 26 November 2015 in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, where Sakhalin’s Indigenous Minorities (SIM) gave their Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) to the SIMDP, by the three partners of the SIMDP: the Sakhalin Oblast Government, the Regional Council of Authorized Representatives of the SIM, and the Sakhalin Energy Investment Company.

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